Just look at this face! This is Zen our new family addition.
For the last several weeks Tony and I have been talking about getting a playmate for Lucy.We would watch her at the dog park and noticed she always gravitated toward dogs a little biger,male and she really liked Boxers.
So we started our search knowing it would have to be a rescue/shelter dog.
Tony and I have been taking Lucy to the dog park in Greenville,SC on the weekends and last weekend we meet MaryLynne and her sweet girl (dog ) Sloan.Mary Lynne, not knowing that we had been looking for a Boxer starts telling us that her friend has a male Boxer that she was looking to place in a forever home.
Margarets husband had passed away suddenly and unexpected. They have a dog that at this time of loss is just to much for her to handel.So as she's telling us the story Tony and I are looking at each other with hope in our eyes.So we give our number to Mary Lynne and let her know we are very intrested in giving this boy a home.
So we waited through the weekend and understandably Margaret was haveing second thoughts.I cant even imagin what she was going through emotionaly.
On Monday she called me and said that Mary Lynne had told her we would be a great match for her boy and he would be in a loving home.So we made plans to meet that evening.
It was an emotional parting.Margaret had said she cryed the whole way there but she felt it was the right choice to make.
We fell inlove as soon as we layed our eyes on him.........He's so beautiful.
Our boy had another name but we wanted to give him a fresh start at a new life with his new family so on the car ride home we decided that Zen would be perfect.
Lucy just loves him and he loves her!We couldnt be happier!
I let Margaret know that anytime she could call to check in on her boy to see how he's doing and to check in here on the blog for updates and photos.At this moment she is a hero to me and so very brave.Thank You Margaret for enriching our lives with this special gift.
All tucker out...............
it looks like Zen and you guys finding each other was so meant to be!
he is beautiful....and lucy and he look so happy together.
i love the last pics of them on the furniture....you and tony obviously have your priorities right! :-)
collar coming soon....much love to your sweet family.
You guys are too sweet.
Paula was right, that match was certainly meant to be!! They look great!
Wonderful - simply wonderful!!!
You know meeting you guys that Friday at the Dog Park was such a "God Thing". They look so happy together. I was very touched by your blog!
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